Offre de post-doc


LGP/DIDS - École Nationale d'Ingénieur de Tarbes (ENIT)

Chiffres clés


Porteur : Paul-Étienne Vidal

Direction :

  • 2 permanents
  • 3 Doctorants
  • 2 post-doctorants

Dates clés

  • Lancement : Juillet 2020
  • Durée : 5 ans

Contribution financière / an

Offre de post-doc pour début 2024

Optimization of the synthesis and shaping parameters of multifunctional oxide ceramics for the design of an integrated packaging of a power electronic module

Télécharger l'offre au format PDF (213 ko)

Important dates
• Opening of applications: December, 07th 2023
• End of applications: January, 09th 2024 - 6pm
• After a selection phase on file, interview by video (or face-to-face) will be held by invitation
between January, 10th 2024 and January, 12th 2024.


In the field of electrical energy conversion, the energy efficiency of these devices is at the heart of the strategies for developing products and services for the coming energy transition. In particular, in the field of transport, the constraints induced by this transition direct research activities towards the design of static converters in new forms, or the use of new materials and processes that make them more efficient or more effective. In the aeronautical field, the most significant constraint is the relationship of electrical power converted to volume and mass of the device, which tends to the development of high-power devices in restricted volumes.

The proposed research work aims to continue the investigations carried out during Romain Raisson's thesis (defended in November 2023), relating to functionalized ceramics, showing property’s gradient, with the aim to integrate then into the assembly of power electronics, and more particularly as a metallized ceramic substrate. The work of the post-doctoral student will consist in improving the shaping parameters for obtaining a ceramic-metal pellet, multifunctional, of complex shape, in carrying out electro-thermomechanical characterization of the ceramics and the assembly, and to optimize the electrical and thermal properties of this multifunctional ceramic.

Contact : paul-etienne.vidal @