Common labs

SEnGA : Storage of Gas Energy in Aquifers
Partnership UPPA / Teréga
Teréga and UPPA are perpetuating their partnership in research and innovation through the creation of a joint laboratory dedicated to the study of geological storage of decarbonated gases.
Laurent Bordes, President of the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) and Dominique Mockly, President and CEO of Teréga have announced the creation of a joint research laboratory called SEnGA (Stockage des Energies Gaz en Aquifère), labelled by the I-SITE (Initiatives - Sciences - Innovations Territoires - Economie) project of excellence, which aims to promote the international visibility of university sites.
As long-standing partners, the two actors involved in their territory aim to make this structure an innovative and competitive tool in the field of energy transition linked to gas storage in geological reservoirs by 2025.
Laboratory for the Thermodynamics of Complex Fluids and their Reserveroirs
Partnership LFCR / UMR 5150
From the nanometre to the hundred kilometre range, from the nanosecond to the million year range, from the physical chemistry of interfaces to reservoir geology, including the thermodynamics of pressurised fluids, geomechanics and geophysics, and with the status of an "industrial" UMR with the company TOTAL as a supervisor in addition to the CNRS and the UPPA, the LFCR is a unique research unit.
Contact : Guillaume Galliero / Gilles Pijaudier Cabot
Architecture and urban physics
Partnership UPPA / Nobatek-INEF4
The UPPA, the technology center Nobatek, the New Aquitaine region and the Agglomération Côte Basque Adour came together to create an "common laboratory", in the form of an academic chair awarded to Benoît Beckers.
Director : Benoit Beckers
SAGE : Research laboratory for applied sciences in electrical engineering
Partnership UPPA / CEA
The LRC SAGE (Research laboratory for applied sciences in electrical engineering) is an open-space laboratory composed of 20 researchers and researchers-lecturers belonging to the LDRX (beam hardening) and LMPF (high power micro-wave) laboratories of the CEA (Atomic energy commission) of Gramat, the LHPP (high pulsed power) laboratory of the CEA CESTA (Center for scientific and technical studies of Aquitaine) and the SIAME of the UPPA. Laurent Pécastaing, Professor at the SIAME, is the manager of the LRC SAGE. Defense-related research focuses on the development of high pulsed power systems (very high-power, compact, reliable and sometimes autonomous systems).
Laboratory for the Study of Rheology and the Adhesion of Medical Adhesives (LERAM)
Partnership UPPA / URGO
The physics and chemistry of polymers team of the IPREM and the pharmaceutical URGO have joined forces to create LERAM, or Laboratory for the Study of
Rheology and the Adhesion of Medical Adhesives, a common laboratory designed to create innovative products in the area of medical adhesives.
Director : Christophe Derail
C2MC : A common lab for the study of complex matrices
Partnership UPPA / Rouen University / INSA Rouen / CNRS / TOTAL
A group of researchers from IPREM and LFCR are part of a new common laboratory, the C2MC (for Molecular Cartographies of Complex Matrices), which is a major step forward in petroleum research. This new structure, nearly the only of its kind in the world, is built on the synergies, in terms of tools and expertise, among all of its partners:
- inorganic mass spectrometry for UPPA
- molecular mass spectrometry for the University of Rouen
- refining for Total.
This partnership aims to establish precise molecular cartographies of fossil and plant raw materials used in refining and petrochemicals.
SPECIMAN : SPECIation of Metals for Animal Nutrition
Partnership UPPA / Animine
So Ph’Air : Solutions for Pheromones Analysis in Air
Partnership UPPA / M2I
The IMT School of Mines of Alès and M2i Development – the research centre of the M2i Life Sciences group based in Lacq – have founded the common laboratory So Ph’AIR (Solutions for Pheromones Analysis in Air). Five years of scientific cooperation led to this partnership between the two entities, which foster competence- and objective-based synergies. On the one hand, M2i is the market leader in the sector of pheromones for the biological protection of plants and crops as an alternative to pesticides. On the other hand, the IMT School of Mines of Alès is specialised in the
development of methods to sample and analyse traces of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in the air and at the air/material interface. The aim of the research and development programme is to better understand how pheromones diffuse in the air as they are key elements in the development of biocontrol solutions.
KOSTARISK : Cross-Border Laboratory for Coastal Risk Research
Partnership UPPA / Centre technologique AZTI / RPT du groupe SUEZ
The LabCom KOSTA RISK (Kosta = Coast in Basque) is a project for a joint cross-border laboratory for applied research in observation and modelling to support coastal risk management. It associates the Wave Interaction and Structure team of the SIAME laboratory, the Spanish technological center AZTI and the monitoring and forecasting center Rivages Pro Tech (RPT) of the SUEZ group, relying on a strong complementarity of their respective expertise, built on the basis of a collaboration of more than 15 years.