Emergence(s): Key events in research at the UPPA

Contacts Emergence(s)

Direction de la Communication

Avenue de l'Université
BP 576 - 64012 PAU cedex
Tél : 05 59 40 70 30
Fax : 05 59 40 70 01

Direction de la Recherche et de la Valorisation

Avenue de l'Université
BP 576 - 64012 PAU Cedex

Tél : 05 59 40 71 00
Fax : 05 59 40 70 02

The magazine "Émergence(s)"

In 2021, the magazine of scientific research at UPPA, Émergence(s), takes on a new dimension and becomes the University's magazine for all its facets: institutional and student life, training, research, partnerships and international.

Change of editorial line

Evolution of the Magazine des faits marquants de la recherche into Magazine des faits marquants de l'UPPA.

Emergence(s) will continue to be published annually, and will henceforth focus on the highlights of the institution's various fields and include a review section for each of them, giving this communication document the dimension of an annual UPPA activity report.
