Concile development, a safe environment and preserved biodiversity

“Concile development, a safe environment and preserved biodiversity” Mission

The “Concile development, a safe environment and preserved biodiversity” mission is coordinated by Karine Brugirard-Ricaud and Maud Save.

It is composed of several autonomous research programmes that contribute to generating knowledge and know-how in the following areas:

  • Aquaculture and nutrition
  • Carbon capture and geological storage
  • Eco-processes
  • Bio-inspired materials
  • Food safety


1 hub

  • MesMIC: Metals in Environmental Systems Microbiology


2 common labs


2 maturation projects

  • PHYTOCAPTOR Development of a biosensor for the detection of pesticides

  • HOLOBIONICS - E. Attard

  • CELT Adjustment between natural resources and basic socio-economic needs