“Question borders and meet the challenge of differences” Mission
It is composed of several autonomous research projects and programmes that contribute to the production of knowledge and know-how in the following areas:
- Otherness and identity
- Borders: representations and cooperation
- Hybridisation, comparison and circulation
- Heritage, traces and commons
- Multilingualism and interculturality
- The Basque language
This interdisciplinary mission addresses four of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
- Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
- Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
Download the presentation of the mission's roadmap (PDF 0.9 MB - in French)
European Projects
- Cofund CHORAL
- Euro-Institut Pyrene, University Institute of Cross-Border Cooperation
- TEA Pyr - Autisme Pyrénées : Passing on, Experimenting and Learning about Autism in the Pyrenees
- PETRA - Exploitation, enhancement and promotion of dry-stone techniques in the Trans-Pyrenees area
- 2PASS4HEALTH - Promoting Physical Activity in Secondary School for Health
National Projects
- Tenure-track Junior Professor Chair (CPJ): Intangible cultural heritage as a lever for regional development in mountain areas
- Tenure-track Junior Professor Chair (CPJ): Contemporary Ecopoetic Issues
- MIND2WALL - From the Mind to the Wall: Tracing Sign Language in Paleolithic Hand Stencils
- MADPAB - Modern Approaches to Diachronic Phonology Applied to the Basque language
- LABA - Language Abilities of Bilingual Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Regional Projects
- POLARAQUI - Writing, publishing and promoting detective fiction in the region(s)
- MécriNA - Writers' houses in Nouvelle-Aquitaine: places of memory between heritage enhancement, tourism issues and artistic creation (MécriNA)
- IMHANA - (Im)migrations of Yesterday and Today in New Aquitaine (IMHANA)
- PATMOS - Historical heritage and development: socialisation and musealisation (Central and Western Pyrenees and other areas)
- Correspondences between Basque ports and the new France according to English seizures during the reign of Louis XV
- HumanA - Aquitaine Humanisms / Humanism Today in New Aquitaine
- PatrimPublic - Cross-border historico-artistic studies for the social enhancement of heritage as an educational and tourist resource
Joint Projects
- Inclusive transition: accessibility and self-determination - UPPA / Landes Department / National Advisory Council for People with Disabilities
Local Projects
- AcAMEL - Aquitaine Multilingual Experimental Lab
- Crossed sensorialities, research-creation project in the performing and visual arts
- English speakers in Pau and the surrounding area - Accounts of a migratory experience
- Books for young people: a heritage for the future
- Thriller novels in the city
- Literature and rurality
- APPY - Territorial Attractiveness and Environmental Protection in the Pyrenees. Comparative law analysis of cross-border cooperation in the mountains and foothills
- PERSON - Shared territorial responsibility at the service of freedoms and the right to autonomy
- PCR Sordus - From the Roman villa to the Maurist abbey church