“Organise energy subsidiarity at the territorial scale” Mission
- Energy law
- Energy efficiency, sobriety and energy poverty
- Hydrogen, biogas and new energies
- Materials for energy storage
- Subsurface, a common good
- Territorialisation, mobilisation and politicisation of energy
This interdisciplinary mission addresses one of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
- Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
Download the presentation of the mission's roadmap (PDF 2.4 MB - in French)
Structuring Projects
1 regional research network: R3 TESNA on energy transition
1 UNITA hub: Renewable Energies
2 priority research programmes and facilities (PEPR): Subsoil, Hydrogen
1 ERC Starting Grant (PRD-Trigger), 1 Europ. Infra. Initia. (Excite/DMEX), 1 ETN (Polystorage)
2 joint laboratories: Storage of Gaseous Energies in Aquifers (SEnGA), Applied Sciences in Electrical Engineering (SAGE)
1 National Research Agency industrial chair: ORHYON
4 National Research Agency projects: Tropic, Hiperslim, Behave!, HyStorEn
E2S Actions
3 hubs (Newpores, RAISE 2024, ENSUITE)
4 international chairs (InterMat, Synthetic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, ICMCE2), 1 chaire recherche (Energy Justice & the Social Contract)
4 senior chairs (TEEN, OpenCEMS, ORIGAMI, EFICIENCE)
6 junior chairs (DYEV, HYDR, THERMApp, AWESOME, DIStuRB, PolSSol)
3 scientific challenges (BIOCAD, BISE2, CHICKPEA)