Technology Transfer

1 Société d'Accélération du Transfert de Technologies
Aquitaine Science Transfert (AST) : UPPA has entrusted the management of its laboratories' research and technology transfer activities to AST, which manages UPPA's intellectual property portfolio, participates in the detection of promising technologies and invests maturation funds to bring these technologies closer to market maturity. UPPA is a shareholder in AST, a SATT created in 2012 following its accreditation under the State's Plan d'Investissement d'Avenir.
2 application cells
These are structures that are scientifically and technically supported by the laboratories, managed by ADERA (Association for the Development of Teaching and Research) . Their objective is to respond to requests for services, studies or training from industrialists (SMEs, large groups) and the socio-economic environment.
- CHLOE Application unit in the field of modelling subsurface production mechanisms in partnership with the TOTAL company - Linked to the IPRA federation.
- OPERA Application unit in the field of petroleum geophysics in partnership with the company TOTAL - Linked to the IPRA federation.
2 technological centres
These centres are managed by ADERA:
- UT2A (Ultra-Trace Analyses Aquitaine) is an interface structure that provides companies with high-tech resources in the field of analysis.
- CANOE is a technological innovation centre in the field of composites and advanced materials (nanostructured, bio-sourced, etc.)
1 technological platform (PFT)
This is an interface structure that provides companies in the profession with the technical and human resources and skills of its constituent members: technical colleges, universities, engineering schools and research.
- Aquitaine Bois is a technological platform attached to the wood materials engineering department.
1 instrumental service centre
- UPPA Tech brings together all the instrumental power of UPPA's laboratories in the service of innovation