Successful defense of UPPA's first doctorate in energy law

Laura Daydie successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled Local public persons and energy in the UPPA department of Law, Economy and Management, before a jury composed of:
- Jean Gourdou, professor of public law, UPPA
- Claudie Boiteau, professor of public law, Université Paris Dauphine and president of the French Association of Energy Law (AFDEN),
- Laetitia Janicot, professor of public law, Université Cergy-Pontoise,
- Hubert Delzangles, professor of public law, Bordeaux Institute of Political Science,
- Philippe Terneyre, professor of public law, UPPA (dissertation advisor).
Laura Daydie was the recipient of a doctoral grant provided by the Departmental Council of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques in 2013. She obtained the title of "Doctor of public law" with the highest possible mention, "très honorable avec les félicitation du jury". She is the first doctoral student from the Pau Droit Public research center to defend a dissertation on energy law.
Laura Daydie is very active with the "Energy" team of her research center. She will now become an associate member.