UPPA is part of the Géodénergies scientific research group

Objective: the emergence of industries devoted to carbon-free energy.
The Géodénergies scientific research group, officially created on the 15th July 2015, brings together ten industrial companies, seven public establishments (including UPPA) and one competitiveness cluster, whose objective is the emergence of industries devoted to carbon-free energy, making use of the bedrock.
This group, supported by the "Future Investments" programme, has launched its first five industrial research projects, two of which involve researchers from UPPA.
The objective of the first project involving UPPA, called Dissolved CO2 and run by Géogreen, is to develop a prototype enabling CO2 to be stored underground while producing geothermal energy at the same time. As part of this project, the SET (Society, Environment, Territory - UMR 5603) will have the job of studying the perception of works involving the bedrock among people living near CO2 storage projects and the predictable reactions of those people.
The objective of the second project, called CARPHYMCHEAU and run by Enertime, is to improve knowledge of geothermal heat exchangers. The LATEP (Laboratory for heat, energy and processes - EA 1932) and the IPREM (UMR 5254) will work on the thermodynamic characterisation of salt water systems – precipitated under high pressure and temperature – and corrosion problems under such conditions.
UPPA contacts:
- Guillaume Galliero, guillaume.galliero @ univ-pau.fr
- Pierre Cézac, pierre.cezac @ univ-pau.fr