LARB: Thinking about the balance between natural resources and social needs
A scientific challenge invites teams of 3 to 4 scientists to propose innovative research, new or disruptive topics, to lift identified barriers, but also to promote interdisciplinarity and dissemination of information.
The LARB project responds to a major issue of our time: the management of natural resources adjusted to the fundamental needs of populations and companies. It proposes a new research paradigm, which has always governed our lives, that of the adjustment of resources to basic needs.
The project’s ambition, in the medium term, is to lay the foundations for a “Law of Adjustment of Natural Resources and Fundamental Social and Economic Needs” (LARB) which, based on analyses from the natural sciences, will aim to provide a legal framework for the economy of natural resources at the scale of a politically organized territory. This law will consider (positively or negatively) the political upheavals in progress.
Multiple partnerships
The evaluation and the association of the various research forces of the Region with regard to the theme of the project, the establishment and the perpetuation of links with territorial authorities constituting propitious grounds for the phase of evaluation and capitalization of natural resources, and with French or foreign research centers having part with the objectives of the present project will have for finality the creation of a research cluster around the natural resources and the fundamental social and economic needs.
This is why the project includes an important component devoted to partnerships, networking and dissemination to citizens, but also to companies, at the regional, national and international levels.
LARB project leader
Centre Lascaux des Transitions,
Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Européennes
Institut Michel Serres, Fondation Michel Serres pour le contrat naturel (ENS Lyon)