7th conference - Native Hydrogen: Geological Curiosity of Future Black Gold
9 May 2019
Nonetheless, native hydrogen does exist and naturally comes out from the ground in many places. The number of these places is even quickly increasing… Eventually, if hydrogen was indeed considered as a geological curiosity by many, the discovery of important flows and its production – for a first time – in Mali is changing the game.
For this 8th conference, Isabelle Moretti (Member of the French Academy of Technologies and former Scientific Officer of ENGIE) will review what is currently known – or not yet known – regarding hydrogen in the subsoil.
The date is set on May 9th. On that date, E2S UPPA will also hold its 2nd General Assembly during which E2S UPPA Executive Director will present a report on the actions led in 2018 and the perspectives for the future.
The talk is in French only