E2S UPPA Conferences 2018-2019

Scientific Topics

Scientific Topics

With 23 research units associated with research bodies such as the CNRS, INRA and INRIA, UPPA carries out international scientific research into :
Strategic themes
Environment and materials,

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Launching of E2S UPPA Conference Cycle

E2S UPPA has launched its own cycle of conferences on thematics related with energy and environment. These conferences are intended to a wide audience made up of lecturers, researchers and students from the consortium as well as industrial partners, but also to the public out of the university.

With a montly occurence, these conferences are given either by a reknowned guest or a researcher member of the consortium. They will take place on Thursdays afternoon (4:00 pm), either in Anglet or Pau, and will be preceded by a welcome coffee at 3:30 pm.