4th conference - X-rays shedding light on the energy transition

Scientific Topics

Scientific Topics

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4th conference - X-rays shedding light on the energy transitionX-ray tomography - Unveiling the microstructure of natural and man-made materials

Everybody knows X-rays from a medical point of view: they help to diagnose fractured bones and to locate foreign objects in soft tissue.

In this fourth E2S conference, Peter Moonen shows that the usage of X-rays is not limited to the human body. The unique property of X-rays to investigate internal structures in a non-destructive manner can be exploited for a wide range of applications in science and industry.

As director of the DMEX Centre for X-ray Imaging (UMS CNRS UPPA 3360) and holder of the UPPA-CNRS-Total Chair on X-ray imaging, Peter can draw from a wide range of examples and shed a light on how X-ray imaging methods can contribute to solve some of the most pressing challenges related to the energy transition.

Conference given in English

You could not attend but still are interested in what was said ? Here is a video of the conference.