Apply for CALL#3

Prepare your application
The entire application procedure (Eligibility criteria, timetable, application and selection process, required doc-uments, various committees involved ...) is detailed in the "Guide for Applicants" (pdf - 2Mo)". Please refer to it before applying.
In order to prepare your research project, you must contact the UPPA research laboratories of your choice according to your area of interest.
The UPPA's research units, or research laboratories, are attached to two doctoral schools:
- In Letters, Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences: the Doctoral School in Social and Human Sciences, SSH (ED481)
- In Science and Technology: the Doctoral School of Exact Sciences and their Applications, SEA (ED211)
Your application

WARNING : Only COMPLETE applications, submitted in ENGLISH and on the dedicated platform, will be considered.
Extension of the CALL#3 : The application period is extended until March 15, 2023 at 11:59 PM (Paris time)
In order to best prepare the Research Project, here is an indicative a non-exhaustive list of themes studied at UPPA in the fields of Energy and the Environment.
Fields of geoscience, physico-chemistry, biology ...
- Characterization and production of geo-resource exploration, an innovative industrial process for research and management of the subsoil
- Development of sustainable energies and processes, storage and management of energy for the energy transi-tion
- Innovative industrial processes and methods for the management of the production, transport and use of ener-gy, as well as for risk management
- Physical and chemical characterization and modeling of natural and man-made materials and material damage, mixing of complex fluids, high power systems, coupled porous and fluid environments
- Physical and chemical analytical platforms for the quantitative chemical, elemental and isotopic characterization of natural, artificial and biological environments
- Chemical synthesis and characterization of new materials, polymers and composites thereof; analysis of chemi-cal and biological processes related to pollution
- Quantification of natural geological processes and geological characterization of surface and underground, mon-itoring and inspection, laboratory analysis of natural geological objects
- Aquatic environment: biology and dynamics of populations of living organisms, ecological and physical response to environmental disturbances, including climate change
- Analysis and modeling of the natural population of aquatic organisms, population biology, understanding of me-tabolism and nutritional strategies in aquaculture
- Reduction of impact and pollution, management of waste and pollutants, analysis and remediation of environ-mental impact, biological response to environmental and chemical stresses
- Analytical science for food traceability
- …
Fields of computing, mathematics ...
- Modeling, mathematical analysis, numerical analysis and simulation for problems related to environmental and energy issues
- Statistical and stochastic methods applied to energy and the environment
- Management and use of data and big data, smart web and green IT applied to energy transition, risk assessment and management, improvement of industrial processesDigital, IT and data / software management and development skills
- …
Fields of human sciences ...
- Smart and green buildings and cities, new societal organization and approaches to reduce current negative envi-ronmental impacts
- Energy law / environmental law, in particular from the perspective of comparative law, international law and European law
- Analysis of trade and economic transitions, international economy, development, regulations and public policies
- Spatial reconfigurations and global changes linked to energy and environmental transitions
- Energy law / environmental law, in particular from the perspective of comparative law, international law and European law
- Energy transition and societal acceptance, energy laws and regulations, societal impact and associated societal development, new technologies for reducing the societal energy footprint
- Economic transitions and economic policy issues due to energy issues and environmental changes
- …
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program un-der the Marie Skłodowska Curie actions, Grant Agreement No. 945416.