
Scientific Topics

Scientific Topics

With 23 research units associated with research bodies such as the CNRS, INRA and INRIA, UPPA carries out international scientific research into :
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Kick-off Meeting of the CO₂ Enhanced Storage ChairPau - Presidency Auditorium


The kick-off meeting for the CO2 Enhanced Storage Chair was held on Monday, November 26, 2018, on the Pau campus.

Global warming is one of humanity's major concerns, and scientists are highlighting the need to take action to limit greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) aims to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere; therefore, CO2 storage is a promising action. Various mechanisms contribute to the storage of CO2 in a reservoir, depending on time.

The CO2 Enhanced Storage (ES) industrial chair focuses on CO2 storage by dissolution in deep aquifers. Its objective is to study its speed and efficiency in relation to instability and other potential effects.

CO2 ES seeks to improve the understanding of CO2 capture and transport processes involved in geological storage of CO2 to design larger scale, more efficient and safer projects.

The proposed research activities will be developed by two post-doctoral students and four PhD students, in close collaboration with industrial and institutional partners and international researchers.

Program of the day

9:00 am: Welcoming of the participants
9:10 am: Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot - The E2S UPPA project
9:30 am: Fabrizio Croccolo - The CO2 ES Research Chair
9:50 am: Anne Brisset - The CCUS program of Total
10:10 am: Mohamed Azaroual - BRGM
10:30 am: Coffee break
10:50 am: Henri Bataller - Thesis on reactive transport
11:10 am: Fabrizio Croccolo - Thesis on convection
11:30 am: Samuel Marre - Experiments on chips

Room 9 of the science and technology building :

12:30: Drinks

Seminar room, IPRA building:

14:00 pm: Round table
16:00 pm: Closing session


Read more about the CO2 Enhanced Storage Chair