Human Resources Excellence in Research Award
Why did you choose to embark on the labeling process?
The HRS4R label aims to improve the practices of research organizations and institutions in terms of recruitment and working environment for researchers:
- Guaranteeing a favorable working environment for researchers (access to equipment and materials, security...),
- Encouraging change in work culture,
- Enhancing researchers’ mobility,
- Finding a work/life balance,
- Ensuring transparency in recruitment procedures
In October 2019, the President of the UPPA sent a Commitment Letter (PDF - 304ko) to the European Commission to confirm our willingness to strongly integrate the management of human resources for research in its institutional strategic plan, in order to provide a stimulating research environment for its researchers.
Ultimately, the Human Resources Excellence in Research Label is perfectly in keeping with the UPPA Horizon 2030 strategy (“UPPA à l’horizon 2030”) presented to the Board of Directors on September 14th, 2017, according to which the institution's ambition is "to build a multidisciplinary university that is visible at national and international level, ensuring the balanced development of its various sites, disciplinary sectors and components, while playing a driving role in the socio-economic development of its territories".
What does the application of the Charter and the Code imply?
Our attractiveness and our influence in the national and international scientific community necessarily involve the application of the principles of the Charter, which specify the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers, as well as employers and/or funders. Furthermore, it is also a question of respecting the Code as a whole of principles and general requirements that are to be followed by employers and/or funders when appointing or recruiting researchers.
In addition, all beneficiaries and potential applicants for H2020 projects / contracts must comply with Article 32 of the grant agreement, which stipulates the need to take measures for the implementation of the European Charter and Code (C & C) for the benefit of all researchers and their institutions.
Who is concerned and by which procedure?
The UPPA's human resources policy aims, first and foremost, to enhance our practices in terms of recruitment, working conditions and career development for Teacher-Researchers, research engineers, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral researchers and temporary teaching and research assistants (ATERs).
The implementation of an Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment policy, according to the OTM-R process’s principles and approach, is at the heart of the HRS4R strategy pursued at the UPPA.
It is perfectly in line with the axes of the global political project "UPPA 2030" that it is developing, and marks the university's will - in accordance with its values - to contribute to the construction of the European Research Area through its commitment to the convergence of practices, according to ethical principles in terms of recruitment, professional trajectory and quality of life at work.
It is perfectly in line with the axes of the global strategic “UPPA Horizon 2030” plan and highlights the will of the university, in alignment with its values, to contribute to the construction of the European Research Area through its commitment to the convergence of practices, according to ethical principles in terms of recruitment, professional trajectory, and quality of life at work.
How will the award be implemented?
To carry out this project, the UPPA organized a working group which has made it possible to carry out a diagnosis to measure the gap between our current practices and the 40 criteria of the Label. This diagnostic stage led to the definition of an Action Plan to improve our practices, whose implementation began in November 2020.
Evaluation grid: 4 themes for 40 items
Respect of Ethical and professional aspects (9 items)
- Professional responsibility
- Non-discrimination
- Engagement
Transparency in recruitment and selection procedures (10 items)
- Publication of job offers
- Analysis of applications
- Selection committees
- Judging merit
Career recognition (11 items)
- Qualification & career development
- Experience & mobility
- Authorship
- Teaching
Working conditions, accompaniment and continuous development (10 items)
- Stability and permanence of employment
- Research environment
- Contact with PhD director
- Access to training