Inclusion of the HRS4R project in the UPPA’s strategy

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Inclusion of the HRS4R project in the UPPA’s strategy

The UPPA Horizon 2030 strategy (“UPPA à l’horizon 2030”), presented by the President to the Board of Directors on September 14th, 2017, stipulates that "Our ambition is to build a multidisciplinary university that is visible at national and international level, ensuring the balanced development of its various sites, disciplinary sectors and components, while playing a driving role in the socio-economic development of its territories".

As part of this overall strategy, the award of excellence under the “Initiatives in Sciences, Innovations, Territories, Economy” (I-SITE) investment program for the future in the field of Energy and Environment Solutions (E2S) has set 10-year objectives which form the basis of its human resources (HR) policy:

  1. Become an attractive international reference in research
  2. Play an active role in social and economic vitality and diversity
  3. Attract international talents to its competitive Masters and PhD programs
  4. Set up a new type of organization to initiate a dynamic of excellence

The implementation of an open, transparent, and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R) policy is at the heart of the UPPA’s HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy For Researchers).

Learn more about "The HRS4R Project: A project aligned with the strategic orientations of the UPPA" (PDF - 203ko)