First Conference - Data Science

First conference - Merging Data Science and Citizen Science for Conservation of Threatened SpeciesNovember 14, 2019 | Bayonne


This year, the first conference will be given by Kerrie Mengersen, E2S UPPA International Guest Chair.

Kerrie Mengersen is a Distinguished Professor in Statistics at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.
She is a Fellow of the Australian Academies of Science and Social Science, an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and a Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers.

Among other interests, she works on a range of environmental and ecological problems through the lens of statistics and data science.

As such, the theme of this conference embodies both her interests and her field of expertise:

Merging Data Science and Citizen Science
for Conservation of Threatened Species

Conservation decisions about rare and threatened species are often constrained by a lack of scientific data. Citizen science is a potential source of additional information but it has not been used widely for statistical modelling.

In this presentation, she will describe some of the ways in which she and her team have been using citizen science data to address conservation challenges for jaguars in the Peruvian Amazon, koalas in Australia and coral cover in the Great Barrier Reef. She will discuss the statistical challenges arising from the use of such data, including adjusting for bias and combining the data with other information sources. 

Save the date! November 14th, 2019.
E2I College, Council room, Bayonne.

NB: Conference in English!

Thursday, November 14, 2019 @ 4 pm

  • Bayonne Campus (Council Room)
  • video conferencing on Pau Campus (Amphi A03, lettres)
  • online on YouTube

Contact: Benoit Liquet (benoit.liquet @