Fourth Conference - Societal Challenges

Fourth Conference - The Integration of Societal Challenges in Universities: a Third Mission?February 20, 2020 | PAU SSH


For our 4th conference, we have the pleasure to have Pierre-Benoit Joly as our guest.

Director of research at INRA, Pierre-Benoit Joly was previously director of both the Ile-de-France Institute for Research, Innovation, Society (IFRIS) and the Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) SITES, and is now president of the INRAE research centre in Toulouse (INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse).

He was a member of the "Science and Governance" expert group of the European Commission and is currently a member of the Council of the European Association for the Studies of Science and Technology (EASST), as well as a member of the SH2 panel of the European Research Council (ERC) and of the Prevention and Precaution Committee. He also presides over the Scientific Council of the GMO Programme of the French Ministry of Ecology and participates in the editorial boards of Minerva and Natures-Sciences-Sociétés.

Sociologist specialised in economics and sociology of innovation, he has been working since 1996 on the social control of the dynamics of knowledge construction and production of innovations. While investigating the interactions between science, democracy and the market, he analyses the contemporary transformations affecting the public space in Science and the new modes of governance in regards with innovation and risks.

Pierre-Benoit Joly has coordinated - or participated in - several European research projects in these fields and works more specifically on the experience of participatory technological assessment devices. He has published five books, coordinated four special issues of scientific journals and published over 100 articles.

He teaches at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS).

In this conference titled “The integration of societal challenges in universities: a third mission?”, Pierre-Benoit Joly will discuss the different conceptions of excellence; in a purely academic point of view, of course, but also an excellence based on numerous dimensions, which notably involves integration into the regions and a reflection on how value is produced in interaction with the actors…

Experiences carried out in different international universities show that positioning excellence leads to a reflection on the role played by a university in its society, starting from the different reflections on the contributions that institutions can have.

Save the date! February 20th, 2020 at 5:00pm.
SSH College, Amphi 03, Pau.

NB: Conference in French only!